Hey guys, how're ye keeping!?
I just realised I should probably tell ye all a bit about myself so ye can kind of put a face (or, personality, rather) to the blog, I think it'll just make things a bit more personal and not look like I'm trying to be something that I'm not!
(I'll put the fancy American words for the un-fancy language I use, in brackets, ha, ha!)
So, first thing's first, I am NOT a professional blogger/writer or anything like that, I'm just a 22 year old Irish girl that needed a bit of inspiration, or excitement, and so decided to start a sort of online diary (blog), if you will. I'll probably just be giving my thoughts on products (reviews), or showing ye what I buy when I go on a mad one (hauls) and other little bits like that for the moment, until I get into the swing of things!
I'm actually doing a make-up artistry course at the moment and I really love it. I still don't know if I want to go down the 'make me look pretty for my wedding' route, or the 'make me look pretty ugly for this photo shoot' route though. Coming from an alternative background, I'm still way more drawn to the Special FX and almost theatre-like aspect of makeup (and those kinds of people), than the 'people pleasing' side of wearing makeup, if that makes any sense?
Moving on, I'm going to Prague with a good friend for a short mid-week break on the 24th of this month. This is both exciting and anxiety inducing for me because, A) I have never been to a country in which I couldn't speak the language, B) I have never been to a country where the currency is like: 1 euro = 27 koruna, and C) I feel like we need an adult! 'But you're both adults, Siobhan!' But, NO! I need like, a 40 year old adult! (You'd never guess I'm a married woman...I know! Ha, ha, ha!).
ANYWAY! The only thing that is keeping me going and forcing me not to chicken out and pull a sickie, is... Sephora.
*oooh! - aaah!*
There are no Sephoras in Ireland :'( and I hear soooo many vloggers go on about it, and I see so many Sephora hauls, and, it's just not fair! It's just not right lads.
SO, when I get back from my travels, I will be doing a post about all the stuff I buy (haul), with lots of photos and all that jazz!
Anyway, have you been to Prague? Is it nice? Are the shop assistants really as scary as everyone is saying they are? I heard there's a couple of Sephora stores there, is there one in particular I should make an effort to visit? Let me know!
If you made it this far, thank you, please stop by again, and I'll chat to ye all soon!
Bye! Shiv X
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